Archive for the ‘Conferences/Seminars’ category

Finding Conferences – H-Net is Key!

May 8, 2013

At this point in our careers most grad students have something worth sharing with the larger Imageacademy.  You have a seminar paper that “ain’t so bad” and you’re ready to share it with the world.  Okay, well not THE WORLD, yet… but you want to share it with someone other than your advisor (who hates it) and your mother (who loves it).  Where, pray tell, can you find such a place?

Sometimes departments post fliers for conferences in the area, but the best way to find Calls for Papers (CFPs) is on H-Net, the list serv software from Michigan State that will fill your inbox with delightful things nearly every day.  If you haven’t yet checked out H-Net, go there now.

You can subscribe to H-lists (the H stands for Humanities, by the way) on a variety of subjects.  There are announcements for conferences, book projects, and even book reviews.  It’s a great opportunity to network with other professionals writing in a given subject within the historical profession.

Go, subscribe, and get connected!

Help Wanted: Reflecting on the Gordon Conference

October 7, 2012

I’ve got some notes to reflect on and some posts coming this week, but I wondered if anyone would be willing to volunteer to write on one of the following suggested (or your own) topics:

-President Robert Tracey Mackenzie’s address
-A panel that you attended that was particularly helpful
-Presenting at the conference
-A book (or books) that the conference encouraged you to read
-An observation on the relationship between faith and history
-A random allegorical story that expresses your deep feelings about the Academy

If you’d like to write a report on one aspect of the conference, please contact me:

Guest Post: Mary Sanders on the Rocky Mountain Interdisciplinary History Conference

October 2, 2012

Mary Sanders is a third-year PhD student in history at Oklahoma State University, where she’s focusing in twentieth-century American religious history.  She has an MA in history from the University of Connecticut and a BA in history with a minor in theatre from Oklahoma Baptist University.  She’s a teaching assistant at OSU, an adjunct instructor in freshman composition at Oklahoma Baptist University, an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA), and a Post-it note addict.  When she’s not buried in schoolwork, you can usually find her taking a Zumba class or relaxing with Smudge, her 6-year old lhasa apso.


“Which conferences are you trying to go to this year?”

This is a fairly common question in my department.  Every year at orientation, we hear the same thing from our graduate director: Make sure you’re submitting to conferences!  Get your work out there!  Meet people!  Make connections!  Calls for paper regularly circulate through our email inboxes, and my colleagues and I are fairly routinely checking in with each other about what we’re working on.

If I’m being honest, I really enjoy conferences, and so I’m really glad to see a growing number of small conferences geared towards graduate students.  I recently went to one of these conferences, the Rocky Mountain Interdisciplinary History Conference (RMIHC), sponsored by the University of Colorado—Boulder history department and held on CU’s beautiful campus.  I presented a paper entitled “So What About God? Working Towards a Theological History of the Oklahoma City Bombing,” a new project designed to test-drive some methodological aspects of my dissertation.  I traveled to Boulder with two colleagues from Oklahoma State University (my home institution), one of whom presented his own work and the other of whom came along for moral support.

It was my first time attending the RMIHC, and I was very impressed with this conference.  I was particularly struck with how well the conference was run—it was well-organized, we ran on schedule, and, as far as I could tell, there were no major logistical problems.  One of my favorite parts was the professional development lunch, when we had wide-ranging conversations about oral history methodology and archival research.  Although I unfortunately had to miss one of the afternoon sessions, the papers I did have a chance to see were very interesting.  The conference organizers took the “interdisciplinary” aspect of the conference seriously, and I was privileged to see papers from fellow graduate students in history, religious studies, economics, and American studies.  It was an excellent experience—I left with helpful feedback on my work, and I had a good time.  I’d highly recommend that graduate students in the area consider submitting to this conference next year.

Of course, as I’m writing this, I’m gearing up to head to Gordon College for the Conference on Faith & History meeting later this week.  I’ve been involved with CFH since I was an undergraduate, when we held the 2006 meeting at Oklahoma Baptist University, my alma mater.  I’ve been looking forward to this year’s meeting, partly because I’m excited to see some interesting papers, and partly because…well, let’s face it: I live in Oklahoma, and it was 90 degrees last week.  Fall in New England?  Yes, please!

Hope to see lots of you there!

CFH Conference Proposal Deadline – May 1st

April 12, 2012

If you’re anything like me, you let deadlines sneak up on you.  Don’t miss the deadline for proposals for the CFH meeting this fall at Gordon College.


(Cut and pasted directly from the CFH Website)

Our 28th Biennial Fall Conference in 2012 on “Cultural Change and Adaptation,” will be at Gordon College in Massachusetts. John Wigger (University of Missouri; is general program chair and Jennifer Hevelone-Harper (Gordon College; is the local arrangements chair. The student conference will be October 3-4 and the Biennial Conference will be October 4-6.

A CALL FOR PAPERS has been issued. This year’s theme, “Cultural Change and Adaptation,” a deliberately broad designation intended to encompass how people and organizations interact with their culture in all geographical areas and historical periods. Session proposals are particularly encouraged, but the program committee will also consider individual paper proposals that can be organized into sessions wherever possible.

The deadline for submitting proposals is May 1, 2012. A pdf file outlining policies for conference paper and panel proposals is posted on the CFH webpage: here. Proposals for the October 4-6 Biennial Conference should be submitted to John Wigger (University of Missouri) at Proposals for the October 3-4 undergraduate student research conference should be submitted to Jared Burkholder (Grace College) at

Opportunities to Chair a Session: CFH Gordon College in October

January 31, 2012

Grad Students… to arms! to arms!  (Or, at least, to pens!)

We’ve been volunteered (you’re welcome, I think) to serve our esteemed organization by way of offering commentary on the papers for the undergraduate conference at Gordon College in October.  The dates are October 4-6, 2012.  Check out the details of the conference here.

Some of you may be a little apprehensive about this, but we’re really looking for advanced graduate students (ABD preferred) to comment on papers within your field of specialization.  That said, we may not have a perfect match between papers being presented and commentors available.  So, let’s begin the process by getting willing volunteers to contact me ( and I will work with Jared Burkholder, the undergraduate conference organizer, to match things up.

If you’re wondering WHY on Earth you should volunteer your time for such an endeavor, the answer is simply because it will help your career.  Not only is it the ever-popular “vita line,” it is also and opportunity to show future employers your willingness to help in a time of need.  We, the grad students, will be lightening the load for the rest of the membership of the CFH.  Additionally, you’ll gain experience in commenting on papers.  Remember that these will be more polished than the average undergraduate “written the night before its due” papers.  Many of these are inquiring young scholars attempting to dip their toes in the academy.  We have a chance to offer them direction and encouragement in the way that many of us received at a similar critical juncture in our careers.

I truly hope many of you will volunteer.


January 16, 2012

*I get a ton of these CFP through H-Grad, but this one seemed particularly applicable.  Perhaps we could get a CFH panel together for this integrating history and theology?  Thoughts?*


We invite you to take part in the Urban Network panels of the 37th annual
meeting of the Social Science History Association, November 1-4, 2012, in
Vancouver. The members of the Social Science History Association share a
common interest in interdisciplinary and systematic approaches to
historical research (including, but by no means limited to, sociology,
urban planning, geography, demography, economics, and political
science).The SSHA is a particularly good forum for graduate students’
work: we welcome a diversity of scholars at various stages of their careers and
encourage graduate student participation in network events.

The thematic topic of the 2012 annual meeting is “Histories of Capitalism.”
However, we welcome papers and panels on all urban topics. Proposed panel
topics include:

– The Occupy Movement as an urban phenomenon

– Financial Crises and Cities

– Capital and the Rise and Fall of Cities

– Urban Economies

– Vancouver’s History and Development

– Cities of the Pacific Rim

– Olympic Games and Host Cities

– Migration and Immigration

– Cities and the Environment

– Urban Governance

– Crime and Justice in the City

– The Ancient City

To propose a paper or panel please submit: Paper Title, Brief Abstract, and
Contact Information at we welcome paper
submissions, panel proposals are encouraged. Panels should include an
organizer, discussant, and at least four papers. The deadline for paper
and/or panel submissions is *MARCH 1, 2012.*

For more information on the meeting as well as the call for proposals,
please refer to the SSHA website: or contact either of
the Urban co-chairs (Carl Zimring– or Megan

We look forward to seeing you in the Fall!


Megan Stubbendeck and Carl Zimring

Urban Network Co-chairs

CFH at AHA in Chicago – Just a few weeks!

December 20, 2011

American Historical Association Meeting 

Chicago Marriott Downtown
Saturday, January 7, 2012

The annual breakfast reception of the CFH will be Saturday morning, January 7, in the Cook Room of the Chicago Marriott Downtown, from 8-9 am. All are welcome to join us, especially graduate students.

This will be followed by a stimulating panel discussion from 9 to 11 am in the McHenry Room of the Chicago Marriott Downtown on “Historians, Historiography, and the Confessional Divide,” in which historians from differing faith traditions discuss their perspectives on the intersection of faith and history. Will Katerberg (Calvin College) will chair. The panel will be composed of Bradley Nassif (North Park University), Mark A. Noll (University of Notre Dame), Dana L. Robert (Boston University), Lamin Sanneh (Yale University), and Leslie W. Tentler (Catholic University of America). We expect an interesting dialogue.

Announcement taken directly from:

Please comment, or email me ( if you’d like to get together.  PLEASE do attend the CFH breakfast and panel.

Attending the American Historical Association

December 5, 2011

The AHA Meeting in Chicago, January 5-8, 2012 is registering.  Check it out.

If enough of “us” are going, it would be great to get together.  Maybe for a deepdish pizza?  (That’s what we do in Chicago, right?)

Leave comments.  Tell friends.  Let’s do this!

Dispatches from Graduate School – Part 39

November 7, 2011

Cali Pitchel McCullough is a Ph.D student in American history at Arizona State University. For earlier posts in this series click here. –JF

[Reposted by permission of John Fea’s The Way of Improvement Leads Home]

I always enjoy my time in Southern California. Every six weeks I take a quick flight from Phoenix into Burbank to spend the weekend visiting a few of my favorite people. My uncle, a PR executive, lives in Sherman Oaks, and a close friend works for the Associated Press and lives one block off Hollywood Blvd. My geographical zone remains relatively small while visiting. I might enjoy the sunshine and cool air in my uncle’s backyard, or I stay with my friend in her tiny apartment, watching chick flicks and eating take-out.
During the past weekend, I ventured out of my typical routine and drove north and west along the Pacific Coast Highway toward Malibu. Rather than celebrity-watch at a beachside café, I spent Saturday participating in the Western Regional Conference on Faith and History. The Conference met on the campus of Pepperdine University, situated on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I drove the meandering road from the 101 Freeway into the Malibu Valley before the sunshine and heat dispelled the morning fog, but after the second panel the haze lifted. The ocean views made conference-going a difficult option, but the intriguing panel line-up drew me inside.
The conference theme, “The Historian and the Text,” seemed the perfect forum to discuss History to the People. I submitted my unorthodox proposal to Bryan Lamkin, the President of the Western Regional chapter of the CFH and Professor of History at Azusa Pacific University. My proposal looked more like a call to action than scholarly research, but it undoubtedly aligned with the theme of the conference. To break down the barriers between academic historians and people and to provide the general public with the skills necessary to think historically are two of the main tenants of HTTP.
I presented in a panel entitled “Public Texts” with Steven Wentland, a Professor of Liberal Studies at Azusa Pacific. Dr. Wentland examines the challenges teachers face incorporating the study of religion into lesson plans (despite their overwhelming presence in state standards). He offers some prescriptions, because he suggests “you can’t understand American history without studying religion.”
Ryan McIlhenny, from Providence Christian College, provided comments for Dr. Wentland and I. Dr. McIlhenny suggested we had several points in common, most importantly, our commitment to preserving democracy and diversity in the study of history. HTTP will attempt, through a more democratic use of the historian’s tools, to teach others to lay aside self-interest and see the world from the perspective of someone else. As John Fea suggests, “unlike any other discipline, history requires us to engage the human condition primarily through understanding and empathy, not criticism.” This quote gets to the second point in common between Dr. Wentland and I—the culture wars. If a person encounters the text with the necessary tools, it becomes less easy to condemn the actions of other people. Perhaps we can ease our culture wars by disclosing the ways in which we’ve honed our historical thinking and encouraging such behavior in more people in a more intentional way.
The audience seemed enthusiastic about HTTP. Aside from some brief discussion on this blog, I have not had the chance to present the idea to an academic audience (other than my classmates). I received great questions at the end: How will we achieve nuance and complexity in short blog posts? How will we reorientate the way in which people think about history? How will we protect ourselves against bias? These are great questions, some of which I have already spent a good deal of time thinking through. At HTTP we value specificity and we write and edit in a community. This keeps us morally engaged, accountable, and self-critical. A willingness to work collaboratively, in a community of scholars open to debate and dialogue and the testing of ideas keeps us honest—this goes for all good history.
I had a great experience at the Western Regional CFH. It provided me the opportunity to not only present an idea, but it also gave me the opportunity to think about how my faith plays a role in my commitment to bring history to the people. In preparing for the conference I found a quote by Henri Nouwen, a twentieth century priest and writer. Nouwen, meditating on the gifts given to a body of believers, believed that “the basis of all ministry is the experience of God’s unlimited and unlimiting acceptance of us as beloved children, an acceptance so full, so total, and all-embracing, that it sets us free from our compulsion to be seen, praised, and admired and frees us for Christ, who leads us on the road of service. This experience of God’s acceptance frees us from our needy self and thus creates new space where we can pay selfless attention to others.” Because I have acquired certain skills, I have a responsibility to use these skills in service to others. The website provides a space for me to share these skills outside the classroom, and in hopes, foster a sense of historical thinking that might change the world one person at a time.

CFH Latin America Initiative

November 7, 2011

The following is an event recap by former CFH President Rick Kennedy on the Latin America Initiative of the CFH.

Hola!  Graduate student member of the “Asociacion Conference on Faith and History (organism afiliado a la American Historical Association)” should know that they were well represented in  Mexico City where CFH has begun to develop partnerships supporting Global Christian Scholarship.  Remember this was NOT a conference simply for Latin Americanists.  The Latin America Initiative of the CFH is designed to support the communication and shared purpose of scholar-historian-Christians from many disciplines and research interests who work in all the Americas.  At the end of the conference, at a meeting in a five hundred year old building where the Spanish Inquisition used to meet, the Spanish-speaking participants from all over Latin America gave hearty applause to the CFH in appreciation for our goal of All-American shared purpose.

I counted four of our US graduate student members giving papers along with maybe six or so other US graduate students in attendance.  The four giving papers were Joe Super (University of West Virginia), Erika Heigen (Yale University), Devin Manzullo-Thomas (Temple University) and Jonathan Mikes (School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary).  A large number of graduate students from the University of Mexico attended too.  We hope all these scholars become the foundation for the future of CFH’s Latin American Initiative in Global Christian Scholarship.

Here is a copy of the program:

Of the professors from the US who attended, several of us were woefully lacking in Spanish.  For any all-America partnerships in CFH to work, the language issue will be a problem while also being maybe the best kind of problem.  Unlike many other Global Christian programs where English is the default language known to most, a North-South American collaboration will find that the Spanish speakers and the English speakers are on an equal footing.  Most Spanish Scholars do not speak English.  Most US scholars do not speak Spanish.   There is an amazing array of  Spanish-language Christian scholarship that we in the US need to know.  It was evident at the conference in Mexico City that Spanish Speaking historians want to know better what we are doing.  We are entering a true partnership!  Neither Northerners or Southerners will dominate.  As Christians we fellowship.  Language has long been the great issue hindering a truly global Christianity.  With the Latin America Initiative we embrace the issue!

By the way:  Mexico City was wonderful!  The historic center is amazing.  The museums are everywhere and fascinating.  The Mexicans everywhere we went treated us very well.

Rick Kennedy

Professor of History

Point Loma Nazarene University